Sunday, November 19, 2017

Boys BB Forms Due

All medical forms for basketball tryouts are due by December 4th. Please make a note of this and tell your parents, so you are sure to get your forms in on time!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Used​ ​Sports​ ​Equipment​ ​Sale​!

The 5th Annual Used (Gently) Sports Equipment Sale benefitting the UHS Baseball will take
place on Saturday Feb 24th in the auxillary gym. Until then, we are NOW​ ​seeking​ ​gently​ ​used
equipment​ ​donations​ ​for​ ​any​ ​and​ ​all​ ​sports/​ ​recreation​ ​activities.​ ​ ​ From baseball and field
hockey to lacrosse and ice hockey.

There are three way to donate:
  1. We will accept donations on Friday, Oct 27 at the UHS football game. Look for us outside of the gates near the ticket booth. Drop your donations on the way to the game or drive by and we can take donations right from your car.
  2. Drop boxes located in each school lobby, the week of Thanksgiving.
  3. Email George Pellegrino at and we can arrange a pick up or drop off convenient for you.
Thank you for supporting your local community team. Go U!