Tuesday, May 23, 2017

ImPACT Testing for Fall

We will be conducting ImPACT Testing for 6th and 8th grade students who are interested in playing sports in 7th and 9th grades. This testing will be conducted during PE starting on June 5th. Your child will receive a permission slip for this testing during PE starting on May 25th. They will receive the slip the first day that they have PE and, if you are interested in your child taking this test, we request the slip be returned the following day during PE (they have PE 2 consecutive days a cycle). Your child will not be allowed to take the test without permission. We will accept the slip until the day of their testing, but for the sake of organization we like to have the slip in advance. If you have any questions regarding the ImPACT test, please contact our Athletic Trainer, Kathy Walsh-Shell, at kwalsh-shell@ucfsd.net