The Unionville Ice Hockey Club is gearing up for another exciting hockey season. There will be four teams this year: a middle school co-ed team for 5th through 8th graders, a high school boys JV and Varsity team and a high school girls Varsity team. The teams practice nearby at the Upland Country Day School’s ice rink know as “the barn”. The middle school and girls Varsity teams practice Sunday evenings. The boys high school teams practice Sunday and Wednesday nights. The season runs September through March. Games take place mainly on weeknights. Most games are held at the Ice Line Quad Rinks in West Chester, PA. Please be sure to come out to support our hockey club and cheer for the teams. They have had very successful seasons in the past. Games are free admittance, except for the high school boys Varsity games. If you or someone you know is interested in playing ice hockey, it’s not too late to join! Please visit the Unionville Ice Hockey Club’s website at for more information.