Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fall Sports Physicals

Attention Athletes: Each athlete is required to have a current physical that is documented on the PIAA's Comprehensive Interscholastic Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE) form prior to trying out for a sport. Only the first 6 pages need to be turned in at this time, the other 3 pages are irrelevant for Fall sports. The form was handed out at the sports meetings and is also available on the PIAA website. Please be sure you have the most current version of the form, which is dated 3/17/2016 and that when your physician completes the form, it is dated after 6/1/2016. A physician is allowed to authorize a previous current physical, but they must put the date they sign the form, not the date of the physical itself. Physicals for Fall Sports are due to the Main Office by 8/15/16. The early due date is designed to allow time to review all paperwork and identify errors or issues that may interfere with your child's ability to tryout for their sport. Forms can be turned in to the Main Office throughout the summer. The Main Office is open Monday - Thursday from 7:30-3:30. We understand some people will not be able to turn the form in by 8/15 due to various reasons. If there is a problem turning the physical in by that date, please email Mrs. Walsh-Shell at kwalsh-shell@ucfsd.net.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Learn to Row Clinics

Are you interested in trying a new sport this summer? The Unionville Rowing team is offering 1-Day Learn to Row Clinics this summer on Saturday, June 18th, Sunday, August 21st, and Saturday, August 27th. Visit the Unionville Crew website at rowurc.org for more information.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Unionville Football Camp

The 2016 UNIONVILLE YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP is for students entering grades 2-9 in the fall of 2016. The camp is June 20-23, 2016 @Unionville High School. Download this flyer for more information.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

UHS Girls Soccer Camp

2016 UHS Girls Summer Camp:   Lock Up the Date on Your Calendar! The Unionville Soccer Boosters Club is conducting a Girls Soccer Camp.  UHS coaching staff will oversee & train our upcoming daughters. Who is invited?  All rising 7th & 8th Grade Patton Middle School girl soccer players.  The Unionville High School players will be participating in the camp as well, but at a different section of the field. When & Where?  The date is Tuesday, July 26th through Thursday, July 28th.   The soccer sessions will take place at Tino Leto Fields from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.  Theme events are being planned for all three nights to add some fun to the week.  More details will follow. What is the cost?  The camp was kept local which has significantly helped us control costs.  Based off of the expected turnout, we project it to be $165.00 per player.   To help keep costs down, we need your help.  Please encourage others to attend the program as it will help keep costs in line. Next steps?  Registration forms will be going out in May.  Please contact Janice Detweiler (dets6@verizon.net) letting her know of your daughter’s interest.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Summer Soccer Camp

Hey Patton Hawks!!! This year the Southern Chester County Soccer Camp directed by Unionville Boys Soccer Coach Rich Garber will be held the week of July 25th thru July 29th at the Unionville/Patton Middle School Campus. Brochures can be picked up at the offices of each school of the Unionville School district or downloaded on line at www.unionvilleboyssoccer.com.